SUFLAVE Instructions

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General Procedure Information

Please read these instructions two weeks before your procedure

  • Arrange to have a driver come with you and remain in the waiting area during your test. You may not take a taxi. Your driver must drive you home.

Laxative Prep Method

*Follow these instructions. Do NOT follow instruction on or inside the box of your prep kit.

For SUFLAVE Prep Split Dose you will need to Purchase:

  1. SUFLAVE-Prep Kit (prescription required)
  2. Clear liquid beverages/products (NO Red or Purple)


General Instructions

2 weeks before procedure

  • Stop taking all herbal products

1 week before procedure

  • Stop taking aspirin, NSAIDS and any products containing aspirin such as Aleve, Ibuprofen, etc. You may take Tylenol (acetaminophen)
  • Stop taking blood thinners 3, 4, or 5 days prior to procedure or as approved by your prescribing physician.
  • Stop multi-vitamins, Vitamin E, Iron, Fish oil supplements, nuts and seeds.

Days before your procedure

  • Purchase supplies listed above.
  • Read through these instructions.
  • If your procedure is at Summit Endoscopy Center, expect a call from the anesthesia department to discuss your medical history.

*If you have Diabetes, read and follow the special instructions for patients with Diabetes

Questions? Please see frequently asked questions first. If you still have questions, call 770-719-3240.


Day Before Procedure



  • You may only have CLEAR LIQUIDS the entire day before your procedure.
  • NO SOLID FOODS should be eaten during the entire day.
  • Example of CLEAR LIQUIDS: strained fruit juices (apple, white grape, white cranberry), Limeade, Lemonade,Coffee/Tea (No Creamer including non-diary creamers), clear broth or bouillon, gelatin desserts without added fruit or whipped topping.
  • AVOID RED and PURPLE liquids, including food dye.
  • AVOID MILK and ALCOHOLIC beverages.



-5 pm

  • Open first bottle with pre-filled contents and pour water to the fill line. You may add in the flavor enhancing packet to make contents sweeter. Shake or stir with a spoon until all powder is completely dissolved. This may take up to 2 to 3 minutes. Take your time – slowly finish the dose within 60 minutes. Drink ALL of the solution.
  • Refill the container with at least 16 oz of clear liquid. Again, take your time and slowly finish all of it within 30 minutes.
  • Continue to drink clear liquids until bedtime. *The more hydrated you are, the better the prep results.


Day of Procedure

You may have NO smokeless tobacco (dip, chew, etc.) or marijuana on this day.


  • 6 hours before leaving for the procedure:
    • Open second bottle with pre-filled contents and pour water to the fill line. You may add in the flavor enhancing packet to make contents sweeter. Shake or stir with a spoon until all powder is completely dissolved. This may take up to 2 to 3 minutes. Take your time – slowly finish the dose within 60 minutes. Drink ALL of the solution.
    • Immediately refill the container with at least 16 oz of clear liquid. Again, take your time and slowly finish all of it within 30 minutes. This is optional.
    • Put nothing else in your mouth except a small sip of water with your heart, blood pressure or seizure medication.
    • You must have NOTHING in your mouth 4 hours prior to your procedure. This means NO water, ice chips, gum, candy, cough drops, etc.

    ***Any contents in your stomach could come up, getting into your lungs while under anesthesia.


    • You may brush your teeth and gargle prior to your test.
    • DO NOT wear body LOTION or body JEWELRY. Please remove all piercings (tongue, cheek, nose, etc.) prior to your arrival.
    • You MUST have a driver who remains on the hospital campus while your procedure is being performed.
    • Failure to follow these instructions may cause your procedure to be delayed or cancelled.