Gastric Emptying Study

Location: Out Patient Diagnostic Center, 95 Building on the Ground Floor

Check In at Registration Desk

The Gastric Emptying study is performed in nuclear, within the radiology department at Piedmont Hospital. The test will involve eating the white part of eggs.

You will remain lying on your back for the duration of the test, which will depend on how fast your stomach empties the food. Allow a minimum of 1 hour.

Please arrive 30 minutes prior to your appointment time.

You should arrive at _____________am/pm.


  • Nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before the test.
  • No barium studies for 48 hours prior to study.
  • No pain medications or sedatives for 12 hours prior to the procedure. Do not take any reglan, domperidone, or any other antacids after midnight the night before the test.
  • You should not have this test if you are pregnant, or if there is the possibility that you might be pregnant. Please notify your doctor immediately.
  • Wear comfortable clothes to the procedure.
  • Bring your insurance cards with you to the test.

If you have any questions or need to cancel, please call 404-355-3200.