Miralax Prep Instructions

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Please read these instructions two weeks before.

Arrange to have a driver to come with you and stay on campus while your procedure is done.

MiraLAX – Split dose Laxative Prep Method

*Follow these instructions. Do NOT follow instructions on the box

Supplies to Purchase:

  1. TWO (2) MIRALAX 238g bottles
  2. Dulcolax (Bisacodyl) 5 mg tablets
  3. 64 ounces Clear liquid beverages/product

General Instructions

2 weeks before procedure

  • Stop taking herbal products

1 week before procedure

  • From the 1st bottle of Miralax: Take one (1) capful mixed in 8 ounces of clear liquid each evening.
  • Stop taking aspirin, NSAIDs and blood Thinners 3, 4, or 5 days or as approved by your prescribing physician. You may take Tylenol (acetaminophen)
  • Stop multivitamins, vitamin E, iron, fish oil supplements, nuts and seeds.

Days before procedure

  • Purchase supplies
  • Read through these directions
  • If your procedure is at Summit Endoscopy Center, expect call from anesthesia department to discuss your medical history

If you are diabetic, read and follow the special diabetic instructions.

Questions? Please see frequently asked questions first. If you still have questions, please call 770-719-3240.

Day Before Procedure


  • You may only have CLEAR LIQUIDS the entire day before your procedure. NO SOLID FOODS should be eaten on this day.
  • Examples of CLEAR LIQUIDS: strained fruit juices (apple, white grape, white cranberry). Limeade, lemonade, coffee, tea (no creamer), Coke, Pepsi, Diet soda, non-red soft drinks, chicken or beef broth, gelatin desserts without added fruit or whipped topping.
  • AVOID MILK and ALCOHOLIC beverages.


  • Second bottle of Miralax:Mix the 238gram bottle of MiraLAX in 64 oz of Gatorade or Crystal Light. Shake the solution until the MiraLAX is dissolved. Place in refrigerator.
  • 3PM, take 2 Dulcolax tablets with 16 oz of clear liquid.
  • 5 PM, drink half (32 oz) of the solution over one to two hours.
  • Continue to drink clear liquids until bedtime.

Day of Procedure

You may have NO smokeless tobacco (dip, chew, etc.) or marijuana on this day.

6 hours BEFORE LEAVING for the procedure

  • Take 2 Dulcolax tablets.
  • Drink the remaining 32 ounces of MiraLAX over one to two hours.
  • Put nothing else in your mouth except a small sip of water with your heart, blood pressure or seizure medication.
  • You must have NOTHING in your mouth 4 hours prior to your procedure. (This means NO water, ice chips, gum, candy, cough drops, etc.)
  • **Any contents in your stomach could come up, getting into your lungs while under anesthesia.


  • You may brush your teeth and gargle prior to your test.
  • DO NOT wear body LOTION or body JEWELRY. Please remove all piercings (tongue, cheek, nose rings, etc) prior to arrival.
  • You MUST have a driver who remains on the hospital campus while your procedure is being performed.
  • Failure to follow these instructions may cause your procedure to be delayed or cancelled.